CultureNet Sweden


Netscape ScreenIn October 1995, Bi Puranen was appointed by the Government to head an inquiry into the possibility of setting up a digital cultural network and to present appropriate proposals. The terms of reference also included proposals for an IT strategy for the cultural sector. A project implemented by the Institute of Futures Studies together with a foundation, the Culture of the Future, was associated with this inquiry.

The purpose of the project was to design a number of model projects for a future Swedish Culture Network. It is hoped that these models will help to generate ideas about the possible uses of a Culture Network. Details of the various projects were published on the Internet in conjunction with the presentation of the report to the Government on January 1, 1997 (see SOU 1997:14 or Information Rosenbad

The model projects are also included in the CD-ROM that accompanies the report. Complex and memory-consuming techniques have sometimes been used in presenting the examples, which, given current transmission parameters, would make them very difficult to access on WWW for those who are connected to the Internet by modem alone. But in view of the rapid development now taking place as regards modem bandwidths and compression techniques it is only a matter of time before films, animations, stereo sound, virtual reality etc. will be as easy to access, if not easier, as they are on CD-ROM today. What was sometimes misleadingly called "interactive television" when teletext arrived on the scene ten years ago will thus become a reality. The purpose of including the examples in a CD-ROM is to give an idea of how the Net, with all its present limitations, may look in just a few years from now.

Read more:

- Summary
- Terms of reference
- Who we were



©2010 Bi Puranen